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ManyIcons is a database of royalty-free icons for Websites, Videogames, Design. Every icon is available in: SVG, PNG and Base64 formats.
Filled Outlined Square Circle Triangle Star Pentagon right arrow down left up search zoom add plus remove minus delete cross facebook social black and white instagram whatsapp play forward backward next previous prev pause stop email mail letter outline menu burger location pin twitter pinterest camera cam photography sun light wheel loading youtube red black array table grid column row tripod file page document cursor mic microphone videocamera video gear mechanics phone call tel aim target wifi wireless connection signal shopping bag fill align text smartphone list magnet home house photocamera photo reload recycle update pentacle satan devil vimeo logotype logo round rounded check done checked question help exclamation warning sign messenger heart love yellow image placeholder three dots more vertical horizontal diagonal settings news quotidian daily airplane flight airport copy swap down-right down-left up-left up-right left-right up-down back history reverse ctrl+z calendar world wireframe currency money banknote upcycle upcycling telegram react angular material edit pencil modify share grating mesh account profile